If you are unsatisfied with your purchase from Lavella for any reason, you have 30 days from the date of delivery to request a refund.
To qualify for a refund:
- A return authorization form must be requested from info@lavellabeauty.co.uk (we’d appreciate if you could provide us the reason(s) for the refund request).
- You must return the Product to Lavella in order to receive your refund/replacement. Returned Product(s) must be in good physical condition (not physically broken or damaged). Any accessories originally included with your purchase must be included with your return.
- To ensure successful delivery, please obtain proof of postage such as receipt from Royal Mail.
- Refunds will be processed and paid within 2 weeks of receiving the returned product(s)
- All refunds will be processed via the same payment method used to make the purchase.
- Shipping, processing, handling charges, and taxes paid (such as state, customs, or VAT) are not refundable.
- Your refund will not include postage costs and you assume the risk of loss or damage to the returned Product(s) while in transit back to Lavella